Title: EISCAT_3D access mini workshop
Time: Wed, 24 Mar 2021, 09:00 - 11:00 (Europe/Stockholm)
Location: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/511668637
Description: EISCAT_3D access mini workshop
1. Recap of what has been done so far: - Download server with access token (SAML client, Python 2 implementation) - Jupyterhub OIDC client - New web portal with OIDC authentication
2. User enrollment - test if the automatic Perun signup + message to group manager(s) procedure is in place
3. Future - deploy new web portal: Connect OIDC client to Checkin production instance, use Perun group membership as requirement for experiment submission and editing comments. - deploy download server with access token, check Python 3 compatibility, maybe convert to OIDC client.